This is a prototype site designed to test the association of image and sound as it relates to landscape and acoustic-ecology. The initial testing was carried out in 2019 on the Finnish Island of Örö – the content was later developed into a site-specific sound and image work that linked on-site QR codes with this web platform.
Another Finnish Island, Kokar also features a series of image sound studies, produced during an Artist in Residence in 2011.
The Pythagoras Archipelago is living proof that not all Islands are made of solid rock – but of solid concepts. Take a short voyage around your favourite geometrical shapes and listen to the voices of the observed and the observer.
New on the Block – The Past is our Future, the Future is our Past, a new exhibition at the Broken Hill City Art Gallery which opens on September 30th 2022 that mixes the town’s tough working class history with fictional flights of fancy!
The site is developing slowly and currently contains four projects and an essay – please keep an eye and an ear out for new content.